PJ1 images

By Candy on 2017-09-28 UT

Key products from the PJ1 pass will be posted and analyzed here.

Latest comment 7 years ago
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Circumpolar Cyclones (CPC)

By Maquet-80 on 2018-03-07 UT

Short- and long-term observation of circum-polar cyclones, together with according interpretations and analysis.

Latest comment 4 years ago
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Folded Filamentary Regions (FFR)

By Maquet-80 on 2018-03-07 UT

Short-term observations of FFRs, long-term FFR statistics, attempts of data reduction, and modeling

Latest comment 6 years ago
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Perijove 15

By Philosophia-47 on 2018-09-29 UT

Comments on the images from Perijove 15 (2018 Sep.7)

Latest comment 6 years ago
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