Perijove 15
By Philosophia-47 on 2018-09-29 UT
Here is a report on the JunoCam images from PJ15. Highlights included excellent views of the STB Spectre, and of the two ovals in the far south which were bouncing off one another at the time. A global map of the southern hemisphere is included.
The report with miniature figures is uploaded as a PDF, and the full-size figures will be uploaded as a ZIP file.
- Report-on-PJ15_&Minifigs.pdf [1.65 MB]
Here is Figure 15 of the report, an animation of two reprojected outbound images showing the two ovals in the S4 domain and the motions of the jets and FFRs in the high southern latitudes.
Here are the full-size illustrations to that report.
--John Rogers