Map of Io at PJ60 with Nusku eruption fallout

2024-06-30 16:53 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / John Rogers © cc by
Submitted By : Philosophia-47
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 60

Gerald Eichstädt has made map projections of the PJ60 Io images, which are here assembled into a global map. It is striking to compare this with the PJ58 map (previous post). The huge eruption of the Nusku volcano evidently occurred between PJ58 and PJ60, and created a huge red ring ~1100 km across, obliterating almost all the detail inside the ring. A full report on the PJ60 images has been posted on the Think Tank pages as usual. (Note that these map projections are preliminary, with possible uncertainties of several degrees in positions.) --John Rogers