Deep haze [ID: 168]

Not Currently Tracking
Submitted by : Plotinos-79 on 2016-06-18 11:52 UT

Just as the Hubble deep field was an empty dark square before we gazed upon it, so too must we look at seemingly blank and featureless areas of Jupiter for the odd chance that it contains unexpected small features of scientific interest.

map : 2016-06-16 UT
map : 2016-07-01 UT
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  1. comment by Inari-89 on 2018-11-02 22:01 UT

    Great idea, we will never know if something is there or not if we don't look.

  2. comment by Holvorcem-26 on 2017-05-09 17:03 UT

    I actually agree with the Plotino's logic. Granted, not all of our time should be dedicated to the featureless regions, but indeed some of it should be directed there. Even if there's nothing of critical interest, we'll still answer the question of: is there something there? Science is all about answering questions, after all!

    • comment by Sannaimura-30 on 2018-02-18 18:47 UT

      I agree with the logic here too. Granted looking at seemingly featureless regions should be a priority, but I strongly feel some time should be dedicated to it. We see it as featureless now, but have no idea what might actually be there if we could see it in detail.

  3. comment by Sethos-44 on 2017-03-16 00:32 UT

    Seems like this would be a lower priority if you have actual features of interest to image, vice the 'maybe something's there'. That would be for later passes after primary objectives were satisfied right?