WEBVTT 00:03.000 --> 00:05.155 Jupiter has such a strong radiation environment 00:05.155 --> 00:09.101 that when we send all our sensors in to do their observations, 00:09.101 --> 00:13.090 there's a lot of challenges that have to be overcome to make sure that they can do that. 00:13.090 --> 00:18.080 Particularly with noise, all the high energy electrons and protons in the environment 00:18.080 --> 00:22.190 whiz through the instruments and create noise in the detectors and sensors. 00:22.190 --> 00:27.190 That kind of condition can be a catastrophic event for a device. It can destroy it. 00:27.190 --> 00:34.220 So, that's one of the radiation effects that has to be screened and understood when you're designing an instrument. 00:34.220 --> 00:40.020 Testing for the Jovian radiation environment on Earth is not easy. 00:40.020 --> 00:44.060 You have to go to a very high energetic electron facility 00:44.060 --> 00:48.170 which is a very rare type of facility on Earth for this kind of testing. 00:48.170 --> 00:55.030 It's not something that's commonly done. People don't do space missions to Jupiter very often. 00:55.030 --> 00:57.170 So, there isn't a big customer base for that. 00:57.170 --> 01:03.010 We've ended up going to facilities and hospitals that treat cancer patients 01:03.010 --> 01:08.150 or other facilities that are used to simulate nuclear blasts for submarines, 01:08.150 --> 01:15.210 very unusual places in all different parts of the world in order to mimic the Jovian radiation environment. 01:15.210 --> 01:20.070 Right now, we're looking at how we can understand what the environment 01:20.070 --> 01:23.130 is actually doing to our instruments while we're in-flight. 01:23.130 --> 01:27.060 We've modeled it. We've tested. We have a good idea of what will happen. 01:27.060 --> 01:31.170 But we can understand from the instrument telemetry and the science return, 01:31.170 --> 01:34.050 exactly what they're experiencing. 01:34.050 --> 01:39.020 If there are certain failures or graceful degradations 01:39.020 --> 01:42.200 that will be visible in that data stream coming down. 01:42.200 --> 01:46.040 The very extreme radiation environment, 01:46.040 --> 01:48.130 the very changing radiation environment. 01:48.130 --> 01:56.000 And other missions in the future will go to these locations and they will design based on what we'll be learning.