WEBVTT 00:03.250 --> One of the great excitements about space exploration is that it's a big public endeavor. 00:09.620 --> 00:11.320 Everybody's involved. 00:11.320 --> 00:20.560 There's some wonderful amateur astronomers who are very knowledgeable about individual storms and clouds on Jupiter. 00:20.560 --> 00:26.990 I think the public involvement in these missions are really what makes it important and exciting and fun. 00:26.990 --> 00:32.000 If it was just us scientists looking down our own microscope, it wouldn't be so much fun. 00:32.000 --> 00:36.730 The public will see how we make decisions and what we care about. 00:36.730 --> 00:40.000 They'll continue interest in science, they'll ask questions, they'll be curious. 00:40.000 --> 00:47.950 I think this is an important part for society to think about. What's out there and how it works and how it all fits together. 00:47.950 --> 00:54.950 Not only do our capabilities complement each other but our enthusiasm infects each other 00:54.950 --> 00:58.110 and it's a very good collaboration with the amateurs. 00:58.110 --> 01:04.180 I as a fourteen-year-old stayed up until four in the morning to watch the guys walk on the moon. 01:04.180 --> 01:09.930 and I expect there will be kids who will be following everything that's happening with Juno. 01:09.930 --> 01:15.310 It's a great privilege to be involved with something where the public are all actively interested. 01:15.310 --> 01:17.090 Yeah, it's fun.