WEBVTT 00:03.220 --> 00:08.500 The primary way that we detect problems on the spacecraft is we make it smart enough to detect them on its own 00:08.520 --> 00:11.000 So the spacecraft has a system called fault protection 00:11.020 --> 00:17.760 It's constantly looking for how the spacecraft hardware and software is operating 00:17.780 --> 00:23.260 Is everything going per plan? Do we have anything that's not operating as expected? 00:23.280 --> 00:28.550 So if, we're spinning and the spin rate gets out of control, a fault protection is looking at the spin rate and determining: 00:28.570 --> 00:35.010 Okay this level of spin is okay and, and if it gets past this number I'm not happy. And so if it gets to a number that it's not happy it will take action. 00:35.030 --> 00:39.480 It actually will take care of it itself. And then after it's reconfigured or whatever, 00:39.500 --> 00:42.830 then it will send down information and let us know that that's what happened. 00:42.850 --> 00:46.940 Or, if it can't solve a problem or the problem is too large it will put it in safe mode 00:46.960 --> 00:51.130 and basically say okay, I'm just going to wait for the ground to help me because I'm confused 00:51.150 --> 00:58.620 Nothing should cause further problems for the spacecraft, we shut down the instruments, we shut down other aspects of the spacecraft 00:58.640 --> 01:07.640 and we make it kind of operate very simply at a very low data transfer level so that when the earth picks it up its very apparent to us 01:07.660 --> 01:11:850 right away that it's had a problem and we can then start fixing it right away. 01:11.870 --> 01:22:780 The spacecraft would continue to operate after it experiences a particular fault. One particular fault will not result in a total failure of the spacecraft. 01:22.800 --> 01:31:590 Our little spacecraft these days are very complicated and, and they're very smart they know how to take care of themselves.