WEBVTT 00:03.400 --> 00:17.600 In Roman mythology, which of course is rooted from Greek mythology, Juno was the wife and sister goddess of Jupiter, or in Greek it was Zeus and the Greek name for Juno was Hera. 00:17.600 --> 00:23.630 They were companions, and Zeus of course was the king of the gods and she was queen of the gods, Juno. 00:23.630 --> 00:31.560 She was married and cared a lot about children and marriage and keeping everybody well behaved sort of like a good mother would. 00:31.560 --> 00:40.820 And Zeus was sort of being naughty with some friends and doing things, and he saw Juno looking down at him, or starting to come close to him, 00:40.820 --> 00:47.240 so he cast a veil of clouds around himself and his friends and tried to hide his naughtiness. 00:47.240 --> 00:53.580 But of course, Juno was a fairly powerful god herself, and she saw enough that she said, OK, I'm suspicious, 00:53.580 --> 01:01.290 and traveled down and used her powers to look right through the clouds and see the true nature of Jupiter and understand what he was really up to. 01:01.290 --> 01:08.790 And that's exactly what the Juno spacecraft does for us, is that it goes there with special instruments, and a special orbit, 01:08.790 --> 01:21.850 and uses its magical powers to see right through Jupiter's clouds and understand its true nature, which is holding these secrets for us about how the solar system formed and where we all came from.