WEBVTT 00:02.200 --> 00:05.130 The WAVES instrument is basically a radio. 00:05.130 --> 00:08.200 It tunes to frequencies all the way from 50 Hz, 00:08.200 --> 00:11.210 which is near the bottom of the audio frequency range, 00:11.210 --> 00:14.150 up to above 40 mHz, 00:14.150 --> 00:21.030 which is above the limit of the radio emissions that Jupiter generates. 00:21.030 --> 00:23.220 The WAVES instrument has two sensors. 00:23.220 --> 00:28.170 One is designed to measure the electric field component of these waves 00:28.170 --> 00:31.160 and it looks like a pair of rabbit-ear antennas 00:31.160 --> 00:34.100 that you might have had on a TV when you were a kid. 00:34.100 --> 00:37.100 Except these are about ten feet long. 00:37.100 --> 00:41.040 The other sensor is a much smaller device, 00:41.040 --> 00:42.210 it's about ten inches long, 00:42.210 --> 00:45.220 and it's basically a coil of wire. 00:45.220 --> 00:47.200 It has about ten thousand turns on it 00:47.200 --> 00:51.200 and it's designed to measure the magnetic fluctuations of waves. 00:51.200 --> 00:55.190 So these two sensors are used by the receivers 00:55.190 --> 00:58.010 to study the various phenomenon, 00:58.010 --> 01:02.070 particularly in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere. 01:02.070 --> 01:06.140 For example, the maximum frequency of the radio emissions that we detect 01:06.140 --> 01:10.020 told us what the magnetic field strength was 01:10.020 --> 01:12.020 in the magnetosphere of Jupiter. 01:12.020 --> 01:14.090 Long before any spacecraft arrived, 01:14.090 --> 01:18.010 Juno was designed to actually to go to another planet 01:18.010 --> 01:21.080 and make the first measurements of 01:21.080 --> 01:24.000 an extra-terrestrial auroral region in great detail. 01:24.000 --> 01:26.110 So I think we learn about ourselves 01:26.110 --> 01:30.140 by studying other environments in the universe.