WEBVTT 00:02.200 --> 00:06.070 UVS stands for Ultra-Violet Spectrograph. 00:06.070 --> 00:09.210 It's an instrument that looks at ultraviolet light 00:09.210 --> 00:11.120 light that you can't see with your eyes, 00:11.120 --> 00:13.110 it's too short a wavelength 00:13.110 --> 00:16.230 but it also breaks that light up into different colors, 00:16.230 --> 00:20.020 much like a prism would break up white light into a rainbow. 00:20.020 --> 00:22.050 It has two components to it, actually. 00:22.050 --> 00:25.230 One is the sensor which is sort of a telescope, 00:25.230 --> 00:28.130 plus a spectrograph, side by side. 00:28.130 --> 00:33.080 And all the electronics, except for what need to be right at the sensor, 00:33.080 --> 00:36.120 are put in another box which is deep inside a vault, 00:36.120 --> 00:40.140 which on Juno, protects all the sensitive electronics 00.40.140 --> 00:42.090 from the radiation at Jupiter. 00:42.090 --> 00:45.100 Jupiter has some similarity to Earth. 00:45.100 --> 00:51.040 The Earth has northern lights -- auroras, and they're spectacular to watch. 00:51.040 --> 00:54.100 Jupiter's auroras are like a thousand times bigger. 00:54.100 --> 00:57.210 So the auroral oval on Jupiter is bigger than the entire Earth 00:57.210 --> 00:59.130 and much, much, more powerful. 00:59.130 --> 01:00.190 And it's always on. 01:00.190 --> 01:02.170 But it's much easier to look at it 01:02.170 --> 01:06.010 in ultraviolet wavelengths 'cause we can see it on the day side as well. 01:06.010 --> 01:09.170 When we see light from those different colors and the UV 01:09.170 --> 01:13.010 they tell us different hinges about Jupiter's upper atmosphere 01:13.010 --> 01:16.120 and the particles that are causing the auroras to happen. 01:16.120 --> 01:19.180 We'll be able to contrast how auroras work at Earth 01:19.180 --> 01:20.180 with how they work at Jupiter. 01:20.180 --> 01:23.000 And there are many differences we already know 01:23.000 --> 01:26.060 but there's a lot of things we've never been able to see at Jupiter 01:26.060 --> 01:29.010 that we can see with Juno once we get there.