PJ25 mosaic: Northern oval and its surroundings (true color)

2020-02-23 23:59 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / Björn Jónsson © cc nc sa
Submitted By : Bjorn_Jonsson
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 25

An approximately true color/contrast mosaic processed from PJ25 images 25 and 27. The mosaic shows Jupiter as seen from Juno at the time when image PJ25_27 was obtained but data from image PJ25_25 was added to show a bigger area to the north. This is a very wide angle mosaic that has a field of view of 94 degrees. Most of the mosaic comes from image 27 but roughly the uppermost quarter is from image 25. The conspicuous anticyclonic oval left of center is known as NN-WS-4. It is about 7000 km across and is at planetographic latitude 41.5 degrees north. North is up.